Proposal: A special IF Comp prize for autoblocked authors

Rest assured that I wasn’t thinking it quite that thoroughly and deeply when I wrote that. :wink: I used it to equate GG, in that context, to another group of people who are universally loathed. I could also have said the Nazis, but, you know, I wanted to avoid Godwin.

Re the “flooding”, it’s good (for me as someone totally uninvolved either way but rather appalled at the level of hatred towards a community/group rather than the actual individuals who stir the shit up) to hear the other side of the story, finally.

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This current bit of drama happened at a bad time for me. I am looking for a job, and I have to be very efficient about it because my living situation is changing such that I will be homeless soon if I do not find a new job. This weekend though I’ve been procrastinating quite a bit, and thus I have posted about things. But I shouldn’t have! I shouldn’t be doing this. I should be gone from all sites until I solve my imminent apocalypse.

Take care, Peter, and all. I hope I will not talk to you soon because it’ll mean I’m not behaving responsibly, but when my problems are squared away, I’ll be back of course. Hopefully I’ll talk to you then.

I can’t think of anything to say about your situation that won’t be trite, so I’ll just settle for, best of luck, man!

Also, what the hell are you doing reading this, wasting your time? Go on, shoo! You have a job to find!


16 posts were split to a new topic: The GamerGate Thread